Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Men are not a FU*CKING DOG ! : The five sorrows of men the world chooses to ignore !  #Men

Being a man, doesn't means that they have no emotions !

I say this aloud ,"MEN are not DOGS". The world is an ass ! We say that men are the cause of women being badly treated, but here I stand not to blame men, but to blame, men and women, to blame the world we live in !
Yes, the world is cruel to women, yes the world has torn women's integrity apart, yes the world is an ass hole ! But it's not men alone, but men and women equally !

1. Men being raped.

The world is equally cruel to these men !

Yes, men being raped. Your question is how that even possible? Men enjoy having sex, and for them word rape does not exist. Why doesn't the word rape  not exist for men ? When a women does not want to have sex, and it is forced upon her, it's rape. But for a man, the dynamics change ! There are women who have raped 14 yr boy for their sexual pleasure, there have been gay men who have raped other men ! Open your eyes and see that these raped men suffer no less than a women !

2. Men prostitution.

Yes they have the word dignity do exist for these men !

People say "For men prostitution is a cherry on the cake, they have sex and they get paid for doing it, what can be better !'. Prostitution, being a slut is a slang for women, but as soon as a man has to go through this, it becomes "Life couldn't be better !". For God's sake understand this that men too have their dignity, for them being a slut is not a Dream Job ! Their parents are not proud that their little boy turned out to be a prostitute. For you people who still not understanding what I am saying, "They have to please women of their Granny's age, and they are nothing more than a sex toy".

3. A troubled husband.

Men are not the one always wrong !

Is it wrong for a man to love his father and mother ? A women when decides to stay with her parents and care of them in their old age, is said to be a respectable women, but when a man does the same people say, "He stays with his mom, little mamma's boy".
There are wives who disrespect their husband, who torture their husband, who cheat their husband. Marriage is not, don't disrespect your wife, don't hit your wife, don't cheat your wife. It's "Don't disrespect each other, don't hit each other, don't cheat each other !".

4. Men's sexuality preference.

Every one has a right to love !

Why a man cannot love a man ? If two people are happy with each other, they love each other what is the problem of them being with each other ? Are you God, are you the one who created this world, or created love? No, than Shut up a** hole ! As long as the world does what you think is right  you are happy, you are fine, but as soon as people do what they feel is right, you go on a "Fu*king moron mode". It's their life and their rules,  their wish to be with women or with a man is their choice. This makes them no less of a man. Standing up to their way of life, that's being a true man.

5. Nice guys finish last !

They do have a heart ! Don't break it !

We teach our sons to not to hurt women's feelings. But has we ever thought of teaching our daughters, that not to marry a guy for not money but for love, to choose a good hearted guy over an popular a**hole, to never cheat a man and instead tell him the truth that she wants to be with some one else. A women is as much important as a man, the emotional pain that a man goes through is not less than what a women feels.

Men blame women, women blame men, guys there is no men and women, there is only humans ! We need to understand men as our equal in every pain,they feel the same pain as women do. And women as our equal in every achievement, they are just as capable of doing anything as men can.
 Men are not the only one who have to change, we women have to change as well.

It was hard for me to write this article, because the only thing in my mind that was going on was, "Men disrespect women , they have caused pain to women, they are the ones who have made our life a hell !". But I kept my difference aside, and put myself in their shoes,  and yes the pain is mutual. We a not fighting bad men, or bad women, we are fighting a bad world !

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